The Conservative government’s ‘Safety of Rwanda’ Act – a plan to detain and banish people seeking protection in Britain – was halted in July 2024. Yet outsourcing policies are an increasing dimension of migration management processes in and beyond Europe, echoing historical precedents.

For the inaugural book in System of Systems’ ‘Managing Displacement’ series, writer and legal scholar Nadine El-Enany posed the question: what is Rwanda?, tracing how legacies of empire leave distinct traces in the contemporary migratory moment. In the essay, El-Enany unravels the psycho-social forces of displacement attached to policies of exclusion through the psychoanalytic process of ‘splitting’. 

For the CICC, El-Enany will expand upon this question through an active conversation. The so-called failed policy will be revisited and reflected upon, ensuring it is not laid to rest, and considering what forms of solidarity may emerge across Europe as outsourcing models are increasingly deployed. 

For further information: CICC School